jsync Progress Report

jsync Progress so far

10335 words 103.35% completed!

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In a surprisingly bright-lit den, in a suburban house, in a desert city in 2020's America sits a middle-aged individual quietly typing text into a computer system. Surrounded by barely controlled clutter they switch rapidly between multiple virtual desktops, remote systems, multiple local machines, and a wide array of programs. They start suddenly and turn.
Well hello there. I hope the trip wasn't bad, it's a bit warm out there in July, must be almost 45 celsius today, but I'm used to it. I was just putting the finishing touches on a brief bit of worldbuilding text for one of my realms of imagination. I don't have enough time, of course, between work as an Engineer, my weekly Role Playing Game Groups (the work of a GM is never really done), and general life. I do what I can, and today I borrowed a few hours to do some writing to help clarify in my mind what the setting is like.
They look around, drink a bit of water, and offer you a chair, pulled from another room.
I came across this worldbuilding site some time ago, World Anvil, so I thought I'd do some writing there. Who knows, perhaps I'll finally make some real progress learning to be a better writer and, someday, turn a few of my "fancies" into a novel or twelve.

Interests & Hobbies

Software Engineering (Java, C++, embedded, IoT, Cloud-Native, Kubernetes, OpenAPI, etc...)
Open Source Software (e.g. Linux, GIMP, OpenShot, Blender, Chromium, LibreOffice, etc...)
Infinite curiosity

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