Mutterwolf Progress Report

Stonebark Tree

356 words

The Golam Crusades

1216 words

The Hunter's Heart

1134 words

Mutterwolf Progress so far

2706 words 27.06% completed!

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Inveterate Systems tinkerer in my RPG world. This world is also the one I'm filling in on WA.

Interests & Hobbies

Astrophysics, cosmology, philosophy, anime, movies, and many other things.

Favorite Movies

Top three movies in no order: Diva, Time bandits, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Favorite TV Series

1960's-70's BBC The Avengers.  Star Trek.  The Oblongs.  Harvey Birdman, attorney at law.  Lucky, te daughter of the Devil. Frisky Dingo. The Expanse.  Reservation Dogs.

Favorite Books

The Lord of the Rings, the Silmarillion, C.J. Cherryh - Chanur series, Christopher Moore - Coyote Blue.

Favorite Writers

J.R.R Tolkien.  Roger Zelazny. C.J. Cherryh. Carrie Vaughn. Patricia Briggs. Barbara Hambly. Christopher Moore. David Brin. Ursula vernon/ T Kingfisher. M.A.R Barker. Raymond Fiest. Lindsey Davis.

Favorite Games

Fantasy RPG games. Everdell. Iron Dragon, Cthulhu Wars. Monster Hunter video game series. MtG


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